Find a Doctor, Medicine, or Pharmacy

As an AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania member, you have a network of committed health care providers ready to take care of you. Your providers are your partners in care.

Use the tools below to find health care providers in the AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania network.

Find the care you need

Find a pharmacy

  • Find a pharmacy.
    This tool will help you find a pharmacy that takes AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania in your area.

Find a medicine

On January 1, 2020, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) made changes in the way that some medicines are covered. All Pennsylvania Medical Assistance (Medicaid) health plans were required to move to a statewide preferred drug list (PDL). If you have any questions about this change, please call Member Services at 1-888-991-7200 (TTY 1-888-987-5704).

Please use the following links to find additional information on the DHS PDL and the AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania Supplemental Formulary:

Have questions?

Call us if you need help with how to search for a health care provider. We can let you know more about a provider, too. Ask us if you need to know a doctor's:

  • Education.
  • Medical school training.
  • Residency finished.
  • Race and/or ethnicity.
  • Language services at the office.

Call Member Services at 1-888-991-7200 (TTY 1-888-987-5704) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Provider information in the online directory is updated daily Monday through Friday.